Effective Machine Learning Teams: Best Practices for ML Practitioners

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niques you need to accelerate the delivery of machine learning solutions. With this practical guide, data scientists, ML engineers, and their leaders will learn how to bridge the gap between data science and Lean product delivery in a practical and simple way. David Tan, Ada Leung, and Dave Colls show you how to apply time-tested software engineering skills and Lean product delivery practices to reduce toil and waste, shorten feedback loops, and improve your team's flow when building ML systems and products.

Based on the authors' experience across multiple real-world data and ML projects, the proven techniques in this book will help your team avoid common traps in the ML world, so you can iterate and scale more quickly and reliably. You'll learn how to overcome friction and experience flow when delivering ML solutions.

You'll also learn how to:

  • Write automated tests for ML systems, containerize development environments, and refactor problematic codebases
  • Apply MLOps and CI/CD practices to accelerate experimentation cycles and improve reliability of ML solutions
  • Apply Lean delivery and product practices to improve your odds of building the right product for your users
  • Identify suitable team structures and intra- and inter-team collaboration techniques to enable fast flow, reduce cognitive load, and scale ML within your organization
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